Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

when it was began

i don't know appropriatly
when it was began
maybe it was about one year ago
when I met him for the first time

maybe it was about one year ago
when I think he is so arrogant
it was hard to made a little joke with him
now, a year has gone babe
there are still nothing special between he and I

i don't know when it was began
maybe indeed since one year ago

when I start to knew him
when I start to heard him
when I start to made a little chat with him

I dont know when it was began
maybe indeed since one year ago
and I still dont know when it was began

the beginning of this story
the beginning of this feeling
the beginning of this regret

that I know I deared him
that I called it is The taste of Friendship

maybe indeed since one year ago

*for my beloved friend "...."
who has a little temptation of life...

just good luck for you sir!!!

*sori kalo grammernya brantakan.. haha

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